The events listed on this page are for community service and awareness only.  They are neither endorsed nor affiliated with Alcoholics Anonymous.  Please contact event coordinators directly for further information or questions.


Carmi NA Meeting-Tuesday and Friday 7:00 p.m. at “The New Room” 310 1st St., First Presbyterian Church

Golconda Ladies Meeting- Thursday 6:00 p.m.  Golconda Golden Circle, 211 S. Adams Arrow Leaf  Contact Crystal M. for further details (618)638-8670

Olney Al-Anon 7:00 p.m., First Church of Olney, 1401 N. Silver

Harrisburg NA meetings 21 Locust St., Harrisburg.  Monday, Wednesday, Friday For more information, (618)294-3714 or (618)252-2162